So it’s only taken a year to release a new Danny episode. Not that I’m intending to turn Danny into Christmas specials. It just happens to be the time when my life pace starts easing up a bit. I always have fun and relax putting these little stories together. Anyway. Enjoy. And a very merry bah humbug to ye!
Danny’s Blog
Little notes and goings-ons.
Danny the Annual Cartoon Strip
I’ve had an unusually busy 2011 so far and not as much time as I’d like for Danny (or anything else really). There are all sorts of undeveloped scripts just waiting to have ink put to them so it’s not as though I’ve run out of ideas for our little insulin-challenged nosferatu. I wanted to drop a line to assure folks that he hasn’t been forgotten or abandoned. Just a little delayed as of yet.
Danny Goes Live … or at Least Undead
After tinkering around with WordPress over the past month and bending it into a web comic sort of shape, I am very happy to finally go live with here and get back to fun, artsy content part of this project. If all goes according to plan this online publication should syndicate via Facebook and Twitter (stalk me @DannyTDVampire – believe me, I tried every other combination of “Danny” and “Vampire” and now believe that it’s sheer luck I managed to get this domain name!) for all ye social media junkies.
Up to this point, I’d been posting these Danny comics to my personal Facebook page as I sporadically produced them for shits and giggles. My friends there seem to enjoy them and I thought it’d be fun to see if anyone else does as well.