Our insulin-challenged, undead protagonist.
Cast of Characters
Profiles of recurring characters in Danny’s unlife.
Henry The Hemophobic Vampire
Danny’s half-starved and daft close friend, Henry, suffers an overwhelming fear of the one thing he needs: blood.
Mother “Maggie” Magnanimous + Currr
Persona narcissus and Danny’s insidious, self-serving creator. Mother feeds not on life blood but soul tears, appearing as a benevolent angel of light to disarm her victims and reduce them into becoming her witless, monsterous minions to repurpose to her whims and sustain herself upon their suffering and adulation for her.
Currr is Mother’s consort, a hound of hell tormented and broken down into an impotent, foul-tempered lapdog who now only manages whimpering insults.
Anywhere you find evil lurking you’ll find the devil in his immaculate, pressed suit somewhere near.
Zombie Jesus
Resurrection isn’t all it’s cracked up to be for our Jewish carpenter.